Frequently asked questions
Below you can find a list of the most frequently asked questions, but if you have any other questions, bug report or suggestions, join the discord and talk directly to the developers!
Questions by managers and hosts
In the overview page of your club, press the + button on the top right corner to create a new tournament.
You now get a page where you can provide information about the new tournament. Obviously there is the title and a description, but also
- a venue, this should be the name of the place where the tournament will take place. It's best to mention the address in the description of the tournament since the venue field should not be too long.
- (optionally) a league. Tournaments that are part of a league give a ranking score to the participants in the league, depending on the league's settings - see the league manual for more details. You can always add a tournament to a league at a later moment.
- a start date, indicating to your players when the tournament is scheduled to start. This date is only to inform your players, a tournament starts when and only when you as a host hit the start button. The start date needs to be in the future.
- the number of seats in the tournament. Set this number to 0 if there is no maximum. If there is a maximum, players won't be able to register anymore for the tournament when all seats are taken.
- is the tournament open? In an open tournament users that log on the website can register themselves for the tournament. If it is closed only the host can add players.
- is the tournament public? A private tournament can only be seen by players that are club members. (This feature is not implemented, so this checkmark doesn't do anything yet.)
When you've entered all information hit the Submit button to create the tournament.
Once a tournament is created it will appear in the Upcoming tournaments list on your club page. If you click the name of the tournament it will bring you to the tournament page. This page has a unique url so you can use this url to link to your tournament.
On the page there is a list of registered players, click the + button on the right of that list to add players.
This will show a dialog in which you can find players that participated in any of your previous tournaments.