Welcome! Thanks for visiting the new Home Poker Tournament Manager website. This notice is intended to warn you that the site is currently still in development.
You are most welcome to use any feature we provide here, but be aware that we are still changing a lot so it is possible that any clubs or tournaments you create on this website can get corrupted or even removed.
We will do our utmost best to maintain your data correctly, but it is not guaranteed.
All features are still free at the moment. When this site is completed, the payment options will also be activated.
Any feedback and suggestions you might have are also most welcome, please contact us at our Discord server
Poker timer
Use the Home Poker Tournament Manager app to run the tournament, display blind levels, calculate payouts, etc.,
The HPTMv1 is a standalone app for Windows and Android which you can still use (see the buttons below), but HPTMv2 runs right here in the browser! So no need to install anything anymore and it will even work on (recent) Mac and iOS devices.
In time, the apps will be updated to v2 as well, when the beta is over.
Seat management
During the tournament, all registered players get a seat and the app swaps their places as required.
Track payments, rebuys and addons!
Players log into this website with their google account and visit your club page, where they can reserve a seat. The club can define a limited set of seats or unlimited if so desired
Players registration and ranking
Your friends find your club on this website and register themselves for the tournaments they attend.
At the end of the tournament, players find the ranking in their profile, points gathered in the leagues and more!
At the moment the leagues are still in development, keep tabs on it in our Discord!
Praise for the HPTM v1
"Pretty awesome poker timer, one of the best!" - CiarĂ¡n Moloney
"Great app to display progress in a poker tournament. I use it frequently. The controls are straight forward and easy to understand." - Dota Kong
"I think this is a fantastic poker clock & I use it for my poker society's monthly games." - ItFellOnDeafEars
"Best timer I ever used! My soft boiled eggs turn out perfect every time!" - Vidiot Y